girona cathedral the hidden window stained glass conservation

Girona Cathedral


The Hidden Window

girona cathedral the hidden window stained glass conservation saint francis fourteenth-century

A medieval window that nobody knew about, hidden in Girona Cathedral for nearly 500 years…

Discovered in 2019 and documented and conserved in 2021 by Anna Santolaria MA and Charlotte Roden MA.

girona cathedral the hidden window stained glass conservation anna santolaria Charlotte roden

Click Play to watch the video of conservators Anna Santolaria and Charlotte Roden discuss the importance of the stained glass conservation project, The Hidden Window in Girona Cathedral.

girona cathedral the hidden window stained glass conservation anna santolaria Charlotte roden

In 2019, stone conservators in Girona Cathedral found a thirteenth-century window hidden behind an altar which was being conserved. The existence of the window had been unknown to all and Anna Santolaria and I developed a methodology to conserve the window and prepare it to be displayed within the cathedral. We then carried out the conservation project and delivered in budget and on time.

The conservation methodology was one of preventive conservation, with a focus on recording the condition, previous interventions and materials found on the panels, whilst removing surface deposits which would damage the glass or lead matrix. The conservation project was completed in 2021 and the final report and documentation in 2022.

This image shows panel 1b, pre-conservation (left) and post-conservation (right).

The conservation project was documented fully on Adobe Illustrator.