Bristol Museum, Ashton Court House 16-17th-century panel

An overview of the panel, detail of paint, and storage solutions.

An overview of the panel, detail of paint, and storage solutions.

This panel was removed from Ashton Court House in the twentieth-century and donated to Bristol Museum. The quatrefoil glass is a 19th-century addition to the 16-17th-century centre which was originally larger in size and cut to fit the quarry shape.

It was important to edge-bond the four breaks in the central glass to retain the detailed paintwork. Some of the border glass was badly smashed and one piece required new glass as well as a new border lead. Thorough documentation was completed with photography and Adobe Illustrator. A record of intervention was kept throughout to document treatments completed and materials used. Charlotte completed this project as part of one of the final modules of the Master’s.

Documentation using Adobe Illustrator.

Documentation using Adobe Illustrator.

Edge-bonding in progress…

Edge-bonding in progress…